...or right click
"save target as" to download. be patient, it might take 2-3 minutes.
"America's obsession with religion stems from
their ultimate fear of death. That state of finality, finished if you will, becomes a religion in itself. The
tragic irony of it all is; they worship the dead in fear of becoming...dead.
...I inhaled, I exhaled. Then I died...twice.
I am as final as you can get."
Olof Franco Palme September 1997
July 7, 2012
To Thee Awakened Ones
The "New World Order"
(or NWO) isn't exactly new. In fact, the NWO officially broke ground in the United States in
1913 when President Wilson signed the "Federal Reserve Act". I know humans have always been slaves
to some sort of monetary policy on this planet. However, the Federal Reserve Act made everyone
an official slave to this particular system. So, unless you're a "Jeremiah Johnson" type who
can live off the grid, you are in fact part of the 99%...which by definition, is a slave pure
and simple. Words like "Liberty" and "Freedom" are just fluffy expressions tossed around to make
everyone believe they have liberty and freedom. When in reality, those words are no more relevant
than "the fork running away with the spoon, and the cow that jumped over the moon". The fact
is, freedom is a state of mind, period. Even the late JG Bennett once said; "you've got to get the freedom
from inside yourself" meaning, there is no such thing as freedom. Which makes; "it is impossible
to achieve the aim without suffering" even more apt. But I digress, you do have the "freedom"
to choose what slave labor you wish to pursue. Other than that, we're all servants to the 1%
who live at the top of the pyramid. And this is where all the so-called "awakened" ones lose focus
of whose really in charge on this planet. And it sure as hell isn't Barrack Obama. President Obama
is just one of many in a long list of puppets recruited by the corporate elite to dictate policy to
us. What the awakened ones fail to realize over and over again is; our government is a buffer that separates
us (the peasants, or 99%) from them (the padroni, or 1%). ...nothing more.
Contrary to what most
of the 99% believe, the NWO has been around for along time. And not just since George Bush Sr.
made his NWO speech to the United Nations September 11th, 1990. Back in the 70's Nixon and Kissenger
use to refer to it as "tri-angular diplomacy". Many of the so-called awakened ones believe this
has only been going on since the 90's. When I was born in 1963, this country was already knee
deep in its pursuit of a one world government via the Rothchild's and the Rockefeller's. Meaning,
I've (we've) always lived in an oligarchy disguised as a democracy. But of course, you can't
convince liberals and conservatives that they're trapped in a two-party paradighm because their
allowed to make their own choice by voting. Not comprehending the fact that who they're voting
for has already been completely decided for them in advance by the banking cartels (the 1%).
The awakened ones (just more sheep) realize this and rush to graze in other pastures by joining
the alternative party, the libertarians. Only, the problem here is; libertarians still believe government
can funtion for the people, by the people. Am I to believe that libertarians are immune to corruption?
Whats even more pathetic is, most libertarians don't even know the orgins of the libertarian
movement, much less the orgins of religion and what it was really meant for. If you tell a bible
preaching libertarian that back in the 18th century "liberal" minded folks wanted to distinguish themselves
from the party they were affiliated with and form a libertarian movement by restoring freedom
and liberty (and just why would there be a need to "restore" freedom and liberty in the 18th century?
That would imply that we use to have freedom and liberty). All you get is a blank stare, or better
yet a; "don't believe in everything you read" as their quoting scripture from the bible, and becoming
more and more upset that you would have the audacity to accuse them of being liberal when they
use to vote for some dim-witted republican. Also not understanding the fact that the libertarian party is just a tentacle branching off both the republican and democratic establishment to manipulate votes to further the lie that you have a choice. Meaning; they're just suckers, pawns that are disposed of to bolster one party in favor of the other. And in the end; becomes an endless bootlicking convention designed to cator to the 1% so they can decide who's best suited to carry out their agenda and guide us peasants into a one world government.
Not since World War
II have we been this close to a one world government. Iran and Syria represent the last frontier
of pure sovereignty left on this planet. The awakened sheep often confuse "sovereignty" as a
form of democratic freedom and see countries like the aforementioned as a ruthless dictatorship that
must be destroyed in the same manner as say; Iraq, or a CIA infiltrated "Arab Spring". Sovereignty,
as defined in the dictionary is; "a supreme and independent power or authority". Something a
one world government cannot accept. But I'm getting ahead of myself here because we should all
be focused on what the mainstream media is dictating to us like, manufactured racial tension or what
Paris Hilton is wearing. The awakened ones like to think they're more informed because they get their
news from alternative sources via the world wide web, the Kiplinger news letter or Mother Jones magazine
for example. However, it is that forum that has become mainstream in itself. Thus rendering both
sides with an agenda, which is being in the business to produce income. Sensationalising any and
every news worthy item in a attempt to garner more viewers or readers which equals more sponsers
equaling more cash. All the while endorsing some establishment stooge like Ron Paul who masquerades
as a libertarian (as if that mattered) and in the end freely admits that it was all about the message
or, that he didn't run for president to win, but to educate. So, all the campaign contributions that
were directed his way were to help inform us of the evils of a one world tyranny? How much more
proof do the awakened sheep need? Just more lip service. Because in the end, simpletons like Ron
Paul can say; "I tried to fight for you, so please vote for me again. Thus sending the awakened ones
scurring about waiting for the next alternative news source to endorse some other political hack
they deem worthy, ie; Rand Paul, who then endorses Mitt Romney who just so happens to be one
of the architects of "Obamacare". Yes, Mitt Romney the republican helping Barrack Obama the democrat
(reminds me of an old WWF match). And if that weren't enough, Romney attempts to criticize Obama's
health care package (yet even more political theatre) as unjust and get this...socialistic, in
a attempt to garner votes and cozy up next to the Bilderbergs, who by the way really run the
show on this planet.
Lost in all this confusion
is what Obamacare really is. That being a beta-test for a one world health care type system,
which will include RFID chips installed in every living slave on the planet. But the awakened
ones are too busy informing one another on Facebook in some lame attempt to keep our cell phones
from being tapped or our internet travels from being monitored. Yeah, yeah I know what the argument
here is, I don't do anything wrong (like looking at porn) so what do I care? A ridiculous thought
process considering the fact that pornagraphy online is the equivalent to sports on television. Something
the 1% want you to view. That way you're not sticking your nose in the day to day grind of fake
government. But I digress again because the awakened ones are also totally oblivious to the fact
that Facebook is a monitoring tool in itself used by the CIA. In reality, they've been listening to and
monitoring us since the invention of the phone, social security numbers, bank accounts and property
taxes. Even the number on your birth certificate is plugged into the New York stock exchange
on Wall Street to estimate the future debt of this nation. When the Middle East falls, and one
day it will. The 1% will have total control of the planet and we'll all be singing along with David Bowie's
words; "I don't want freedom, I want sovereignty". Which was the only (make-believe) freedom we've ever had.
That is until the other George Bush signed the "security and prosperity act", essentially ending sovereignty
in the United States and making Mexico and Canada the 51st and 52nd states...or, North American
Union if you like. But until then, the illusion of democracy will continue. And to keep the lie
going, they'll give us an occasional sacrifice like attorney general Eric Holder perhaps (Oliver North
pt.2) with his "fast & furious" debacle. Just like they've done in the past when the hippie's wanted
an end to the money producing machine we knew as the Vietnam War. Or, handing us Nixon's head
on a silver platter of which we've been feeding from ever since.
My Father once told
me that; "you just have to live your life the best way you know how" (some of the best advice
I've ever recieved). However, living in a world that constantly subjects it citizens with the
common tactics of "good versus evil" or the false flag endeavors of "problem, reaction, solution", it
becomes more and more difficult to get Americans to understand that everything thats happening, is
happening by design. We live in a world of x-ray vans, street lamps with microphones, video surveilence
everywhere, drones, DHS, holograms, global freezing (then warming), HAARP, AIDS (manufactured cancer), eugenics, DEA, FBI, CIA, ATF, micro cameras on washing machines, TSA, nuclear waste, Hollywood propoganda,
UFO's (reverse engineering), forced insurance, the justice system, chemtrails, HMO's, GMO's,
inflation, DNA, hyper-inflation, IRS, fluoreride, religious institutions on every street corner, new taxes on top of the old
taxes, NAFTA, flu vacines, NATO, FEMA, and blah blah blah, all designed to help us and protect
us from ourselves. I feel like Peter Finch from the film "Network", I just want to be left alone
with my radial tires. Back in the early 80's when I was in the United States Navy I asked my
LPO (who was standing next to my CPO) "how do you vote when you're out at sea?" My LPO &
CPO looked at each other and started laughing. Were they laughing about how clueless I really
was? Completely naive I responded with; "isn't it my constitutional right to vote?" My LPO replied;
"vote? vote for what? You work for Rockefeller". My CPO looks at my LPO and says; "don't say
that", then looks at me and says; "no one will take away your right to vote". A few years later
I was watching President Reagan on CSPAN give some speech at the Untited Nations concerning how
"we all need to join together as one to fight off an alien invasion" when it dawned on me that
we're not living in the world that we think we are. Everything is fake, everything is a lie.
And everything you were taught in school growing up is completely useless with the exception
of how to read, write and do basic math. We have been programed and conditioned our entire lives.
Programed and conditioned to accept the one world government that will eventually (if not in
my lifetime) engulf us all. So I'm asked; "if all that you say is true, then why did you vote
for Bob Dole in the 90's?". My answer; "its quite simple. Bob Dole, much like Richard Nixon,
thinks he really is in charge. Which would usher in at least 4 years of stagnant government, and living
in the United States...stagnant government is the best government". I also voted for Ronald Reagan
(his second term) for the very same reason I voted for Bob Dole, and haven't voted since.
Aside from a bloody
revolution, which won't happen because most Americans believe the "right to bare arms" is so
they can go deer hunting. The new world order is here and, is in its final stages of a one world
government. All whistle blowers have been discredited or assassinated (forgotten relics of the
past). A new religion will replace the old one, digital currency will replace paper, everyone will be chipped
and accounted for, all the voting in the world won't change a thing, a new history will be written
to replace the other fake history, and the banking cartel will come out from behind the curtains
to lead us all (well, the ones that survive population reduction) to the promised land of the future. So
I ask all the so-called "awakened" ones; what are you awake for? Life was so much better when we
were asleep.
post script:
A special thank you to Jen for helping me come to terms with the fact that I don't really hate
the sheep, I'm just jealous of them and wish I could return to the life that they lead. Because
in reality, life
was much easier when I was totally oblivious to what was going on around me. ..."harmlessly passing your time in the grasslands